In these “Accelerated” times, we are all running reactively behind the ball. We Western working women with children are in a steep bid for efficiency in which every second is a calculation just to make it through the day (and night and tomorrow and after that…)
Men are increasingly implicated and engaged in the many facets of 21st century life.
Yet in all Western societies women still bear the lion’s share of house and child work. They still carry the brunt of required beauty and perfect figures. They still drag the chains of care and empathy. They still haul the expectation of being ever pleasant and pleasing. They still lug a “double the proof” factor vs. men in the business world.
They are still yoked with the charge of Perfection.
As we’re spinning plates, aren’t we spinning ourselves into the ground, in an unsustainable sprint-athon? Let’s discuss what we can do about it… and what we should expect from others and society.